Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where are we now number 3?

Can anyone guess our whereabouts?
Since some of our viewers (Alicia) do not think a postcard is a very good incentive then our next prize will be a sapphire straight from the gemfields in Sapphire.


  1. Townsville??
    Lovely to see some pics of your family - you're all looking well - see you grew that beard after all Michael. Thanks for the postcards.
    Have a great weekend
    Renata & family

  2. I think you are in Townsville too. Thanks too for the postcard. We just had a great day at Church in the Bush and we really missed you guys! It was perfect weather though and long green grass everywhere! Acted out the book of Esther - it worked well, except for the hangings of the two baddies - other naughty (!!) boys wanted a turn at being hanged (hung?)too! Shirley and Max
